An Introduction:

Reefism is an outlet for my musings and photography: I am studying and working as a marine scientist and currently cultivate corals and other marine organisms in a high tech 900x900x400mm reef tank at home, and soon will be cultivating corals in a much larger system at the ANU.
Keep watching this space for my photographs and other information about my reefing practices

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Some new fish joining the family today, 3 Anthias, a schooling reef fish

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Ricordea Attempting to Feed

Ricordea sp. Attempting to feed, Timelapse from Brakefree Customs on Vimeo.

Finally got my hands on some equipment to do timelapse photography, here is one of my first attempts, a Ricordea trying to eat some pellets, failing twice then having a sulk...
The whole process took about 10-15 minutes

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Ricordea Munching down on an unfortunate Isopod

I saw that one of my Ricordeas (a soft coralimorph) had caught a tiny crustacean called an isopod and was munching it down, ran upstairs to get my camera and by the time I got it onto my tripod he had almost finished his meal! about 9 seconds after taking this photo the isopod had dissapeared!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

More Photos!?!

I Think I'm going to have to start attending photographers anonymous meetings for I have an addiction...

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Large polyp Scleractinians

Here are some photos of a few of my LPS (large Polyp Scleractinians)

Scorpaz Tang Mugshot

Colour Change!

I took some comparison shots of my favorite Poccilipora coral after about two weeks running under me new lights (ATI Powermodule 39W x 8 bulb x 2 units) as opposed to my old 400W Metal Halide



Sunday, July 4, 2010

Clownfish Photo Shoot

Everyones favorite the clownfish, nestling in their torch coral home...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Squat Urchin Shrimp

I stumbled across this amazing video on another blog and wanted to share it here,
It is a HD video of a tiny shrimp living in the spines of a sea urchin!!

'The Squat Urchin Shrimp' from MORPHOLOGIC on Vimeo.


So after some research I have discovered that they aforementioned larvae most likely belong to the humble hermit crabs scuttling about in my tank, Here is a photo of one of the parents

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Breeding marine invertebrates

The reef is a mysterious place chock full of so many interesting species, so I am rarely surprised to find something new in my tank. Last night however I was surprised to find quite a number of these larvae in my tank, I have no idea what species they are but have caught them all and will attempt to grow them out and see what happens!
(PS sorry for the rubbish quality microscope pictures)

Acropora sp. Another stony coral showing some weird growth patterns

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Welcome to Reefism:
I thought I would start off this blog with some phot
os of my reef inhabitants up close and personal:

Small Polyp Stony corals are by far my favorite, this is my largest and oldest Stylophora colony which has increased in size approx 500% over the year and a half that it has been in my care

Another small polyp Stony coral: this pink birds nest (seritopora) grows into a twisted and intertwined mass

A Pacific Sailfin Tang, my least camera shy fish who is always inquisitive as to what the camera is doing near his tank, presumably he thinks it is food...

This chap is a non-photosynthetic Gorgonan, typically these corals live on the side of sea mounts or steep underwater cliffs, they sit in the nutrient rich upwelling currents sifting out tiny particles of food to sustain themselves